Stop biting my nails
I was going to post a picture of my hands but I am too embarrassed. Any advice?
Stop biting my nails
I was going to post a picture of my hands but I am too embarrassed. Any advice?
If cake stands are to pricey for you, use plates on top of upside down champagne glasses (or candle holders) like this bride did:
Everybody is going green maybe I should join them (just kidding). I don't have to decide today on the bridesmaid's dress but according to my timeline the dresses need to be ordered 4 - 6 months (Jan-March) before the wedding. Where has the time gone? I'm excited to get married but I'm behind on my to do list that should be completed 6 months before the wedding
Keep your fingers cross as I continue looking
It was so much fun taking pictures, changing outfits, smiling, grinning, and laughing (trying to be candid). My only regret was not having a manicure. I bite my nails (bad habit) so they are not the prettiest site. I should of known that she wanted shots with my ring. I really thought I was prepared reading tips but no one mentioned that. Well, Stephanie if you are reading this I wouldn't mind if you give me nails in the pictures. With photoshop anything is posible...right?
before taking your engagement pictures from a bee
This amazing place is called the Hilton Garden Inn. The inside looks just as great as the outside (I'll post pictures in a couple of weeks). The staff is cool because they put up with my indecisiveness/S personality (I don't want the ceremony there, I change my mind I do want the ceremony there but I think after I sign the contract I can't make anymore changes...that scares me).
To stay in budget I am having a lunch reception. Sometimes brides have a breakfast or brunch reception to stay in budget.
Do whatever you have to do to stay in budget
Clue #?
Congratulations you found the right place!
I've been thinking about if I can pull that off with my budget. Since the ceremony might be less than an hour. I'm thinking it wouldn't be smart to spend a lot of money on the decor. I researched how much it would cost to just to rent white 30" columns and wedding was close to $500 (if those prices were for the day and not the hour). Unless I (or someone) makes me columns and a wedding canopy I can pull that off on my budget (maybe I should research it before I say much is wood?).
I think I found plan b.
Thanks Martha!
Who else thinks Martha is the (wo)man?
Her favorite verse:
"You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body."
1 Corinthians 6:20
*I don't know why she like to take pictures in the bathroom*